Friday 25 May 2012

Five reasons not to get back with an ex

Boy drama will literally be the end of me. Recent events have kind of forced me into writing these five reasons not just to myself, but to every girl stuck in the past.
1. An ex holds onto the person that you used to be, so expects you to be that person still. Steps backwards are no good.
2. There is a completely valid reason why you broke up - you NEED to remember this reason, this is why you are not together.
3. Every girl has those rose tinted memories of how “good” the relationship was, whatever it was - countless arguments, flirting with other girls, those awful habits that used to grind your gears before - BRING THESE MEMORIES BACK. The relationship isn’t just the rose tinted memories you hold onto.
4. Your friends. His friends. Awkwardness. Whatever was said after you last broke up will come back to haunt you. Having your friends hate him then suddenly switching back to you being with him will definitely cause mixed reactions and tensions you do not need (trust me on this one.)
5. Your expectations for the relationship will not be the same - he may be looking for a easy casual hook up while you’re getting back out that wedding scrapbook that you hid from him (don’t lie, you know this happened). He won’t be the same and neither will you.
Women all over the world will argue for the comeback of an ex. There is the reliability, the comfort and the easiness to lull back into past relationships, but you have to realise, all you’re doing is putting yourself back to where you were before you broke up.
Heads forward ladies, there’s no looking back.
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