Saturday 28 April 2012

Sexy is scary.

I’m going to apologise now because this is pretty much going to be a rant about what a fail I am at being a real girl. 

I’m just putting this out there: I have no idea how to be sexy. 
Now I’m not saying I can’t quite do the Megan Fox smouldering sensual sex goddess blah blah blah (which I totally can’t, I can’t barely draw eyeliner on straight.) I mean, at the mention of having to act/look/be sexy, I completely freeze up. Unless I’m really really drunk, then according to a quiz, I am a slutttty drunk. I’m not saying whether this is true or not. 
Todays example: 
One of my close friends at Uni is having a sexy fancy dress up night out for her birthday. Public Services to be specific. Exciting. Until I googled outfits for it. Now I’m hiding under a rock forever. The options are: sailor (slutty), police officer (slutty), maid (slutty), nun (slutty), prisoner (slutty) or just for a change, you can dress sluttily. 
I need outfit ideas that aren’t going to make me blush (like my google search did). I’m definitely not a prude, but I don’t really fancy going out dressed like THAT.
Other girls can definitely pull this off and looking ridiculously good, but I am not one of those. At Alllll. 
How can I look nice without looking stupid/slutty/trashy?
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