Wednesday 30 May 2012

Fed up of being the colour of paper, someone get me a tan.

"I don't care what you think, as long as it's about me"

Whenever I'm hungover I seem to find myself reading self-help/confidence blog posts online. Today is no different, this popular Fall Out Boy song mixed with an overload of bronzed beauties has really fuelled my fire today about how other people see me.

Nobody is exactly happy with the way they look, are they? As a young woman I find myself subjected to so much criticism and instruction on how I should look, what I should wear and how to act. Not just from mainstream culture of the beautiful celebrities, even Tumblr portrays the image of a pretty doe eyed white girl amongst their "Tumblr famous" ranks as the prettiest, who get the most attention for apparently just being pretty.

Summer is possibly the worst time for a body confidence crisis. The shorts are shorter every year, I am sure in fact I own pants bigger than some of the shorts I've seen in the past two weeks. Girls bring so much pressure to each other about one-upping each other, which apparently involves who can have the most butt cheek out of their shorts. I'm sorry but seriously, I do not need to see that!

 Being an unusual shade of ghost white, I found myself frustrated I wasn't as tanned and golden as the gorgeous bronzed arse-out beauties around the city. I never really got the big deal with sun beds, and I'd rather stay pale than up my chances of getting skin cancer to be honest. Mix that with living in the UK with its typical rubbish weather - apart from the past glorious week, which I spent everyday outside doing everything I could to get a tan, which provided absolutely no results - I was pretty much already ready to give up. Which is why I found myself buying some stupidly overpriced Fake Bake that described itself as luxurious golden bronze" that I could "see and feel the difference" in 2 weeks or less. There is no difference, I still look like I'm ill. And yet I'm still obsessed with the idea of getting a gorgeous golden tan this summer. Why do girls do it to themselves? 

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