Monday, 23 July 2012

Furry feelings this Autumn/Winter

I thought when I'd be writing this we'd still be stuck with horrendous rain and grey clouds, but now I find myself actually sunbathing, so maybe what I'm about to write about isn't so appropriate in this weather! 

When Mulberry talks, you listen. Autumn Winter 2012 for Mulberry was, well, quite a hairy affair. The Where The Wild Things Are inspired show was a sure hit with fashion fans featuring Mongolian fur jackets and rabbit fur gilets featured in shades of black, brown and orange were a bit hit of a key Autumn theme - texture. 

And of course it is only a matter of time before the high street begins churning out their many many replicas of the rather pricey runway pieces. The phrase 'snug as a bug in a rug' - I don't know if anyone else has actually heard that, my mum used to say it when I was younger - will be very much present later on this year. Here's two of my favourites from the high street as well one of the amazing pictures from Mulberry's campaign! 

  Warehouse Faux Fur Gilet - £39.99               ASOS Grey Long Faux Fur Gilet - £55

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