Saturday, 26 January 2013

I've been nominated for the Liebster Award!

Thanks for nominating me for the Liebster Award Georgia and Megan!

What is the Liebster Award?The Liebster Award is given to new bloggers with less than 200 followers and therefore helps promote and support those bloggers nominated.The Rules:-Nominees must link back to the blogger who awarded them.-If nominated, write '11 Random Facts' about yourself!-Answer the 11 questions the person who nominated you wrote for you.-Come up with 11 new questions to be answered by 11 new nominees.

Random Facts:1.I am the clumsiest person EVER. 2.I own a ridiculous amount of shoes, I'm not ashamed. 3.I am the Queen of sale shopping!4.I have a really dirty, dark sense of humour.5.Meerkats are my favourite animals!
6.I have no idea about my own 'personal style', if I like it, I wear it!
7.I am terrrrrrible at grammar, even being a second year in a Journalism degree at uni, I still suck.
8.When I was little my dream job was to work at Elle, that was all I wanted.
9.I still haven't passed my driving test.
10.My most prized possession is my Mulberry handbag that I bought myself last Christmas.
11.I have a serious love for trashy tv, Keeping Up With The Kardashians etc is my ultimate guilt pleasure!

Here's the questions Georgia Set:1. How did you come up with your blog name? I can't really remember, I worked through loads of variations of this name!
2. What's your favourite restaurant or cafe? Does Nando's count? Yes? Always Nando's. 
3. How many shoes do you own? Honestly! I cannot even count. About 5/6 big plastic craters/boxes?
4. How long does it take to get up in the morning? About an hour to get ready!
5. Who, in your opinion, is the best dressed celebrity? Right now I think Olivia Palermo, definitely style crushing on her! 
6. What is your dream job? Being able to blog/write about fashion for a living!
7. Where would you like to live? New York!
8. What's your favourite memory? Too many, possibly seeing Blink 182 at Reading Festival 2010! 
9. Are you still friends with your BFF from Primary School? Still BFF's with the same two girls for the past 15 years! 
10. What do you do to relax? Online shopping, watching movies, shoe shopping! 
11. What did you last watch? The last ever episode of Ugly Betty, so many tears!! 

My nominations:

Questions for my nominees:1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What is your go-to accessory?
3. Shoes or handbags?
4. What is your favourite trend right now?
5. A beauty secret you're dying to tell?
6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
7. Your personal favourite fashion memory?
8. A fashion trend you would never be caught dead in?
9. Try and define your style!
10. Your current favourite album?
11. Your favourite magazine?
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