Wednesday, 27 June 2012

A little bit of reckless shoe shopping

To put it simply, I'm a bit of a wimp. Even when it comes to heels. In fact, especially when it comes to wearing heels. Which is why, as I've blogged about before, the flatform is a total saving grace to me. An up-to-date stylish alternative to sky scraper heels my friends sport on nights out, Jeffrey Campbells being a keen favourite - I tried a pair of my friends on and I swear I could barely make it to the mirror without falling face over...well you get the picture! I definitely get the Jeffrey Campbell obsession, they are beautiful but ridiculous shoes that every other girl seems to adorn with minimal effort and style. (I was clinging to walls/doors/anything sturdy.

All that changed when these Jeffrey Campbell flatforms caught my eye on the Office website. With a manageable 5.5 cm flatform and simple black suede style, The Jeffrey Campbell BeeBee is definitely for me. 

Available from Office for £95.00

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